Exercise is Medicine for People with Chronic Pain

May 17, 2018 | Holistic Nursing

The Integrative Health Seminar Series continues on June 12th, with a presentation on the topic of Exercise and Pain.


Exercise is Medicine for People with Chronic Pain


Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify and evaluate the relationship between pain and exercise.
  2. Explain the known effects of exercise on the nervous system and apply these principles to pain management.
  3. Formulate strategies to allow adults with chronic pain to exercise with more comfort.



Dr. Susan Tupper, a licensed physical therapist, is a Pain Strategy Consultant with the Saskatchewan Health Authority who holds adjunct faculty positions within Pediatrics and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Tupper applies her research and experience to educate patients and healthcare providers on pain management strategies for various health conditions. ​ Susan is co-chair of SaskPain, a non-profit charity working to create and implement a provincial pain strategy.


About the Integrative Health Seminar:

The Integrative Health Seminar is intended to promote innovation in health care by building bridges between research, education, practice, and public policy across a wide spectrum of medical specialties and health-related disciplines.


The seminar normally runs on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from late fall to early spring.  Seminars are normally held in Royal University Hospital, Main Mall Lecture Theatre.


The audience typically includes physicians, nurses and allied health providers, as well as researchers, managers, business and community leaders, and policy-makers from a wide spectrum of health-related professions.


The seminar typically begins at 12:05, with a presentation of 30-40 minutes followed by a period of questions and/or facilitated discussion for the remainder of the available time.


There is normally a short break at 12:55, to allow some people departure of people who need to be at work by 1:00 pm, but the discussion will often continue for another 15-20 minutes until roughly 1:30.

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